Our Company-Sponsored Pension Plan - A Great Benefit

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Your company offers a pension plan that pays you a benefit when you retire. Help your employees learn how to make the most of it.

Providing a pension is a big expense for the company. Help your employees understand what a great benefit it is:

  • Provided entirely by the company 
  • Based on several factors, including pay and years of service 
  • Calculated as a single-life monthly annuity payable at age 65, which is considered normal retirement age 
  • Retire early and start receiving a benefit from the plan, but it will be reduced since you will receive it for a longer period of time
  • Know the value of your pension so you can figure out how much you should save in the savings plan and other investments to meet your future income needs.
  • Use the company's benefit website or contact the service center to request a benefit estimate

When and how to use:

January is one of best times of the year to share this video, though it's always a great time to encourage planning for the future:

  • Post on intranet/portal/microsite
  • Link in an email
  • Play on digital sign boards
  • Show during retirement education meetings

Series: Feed Your Brain

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Availability: Product fulfilled within 6 hours on business days
Product Type: Video
Media Type: Hosted video
Subscription Length: 1 year subscription from date of setup
Video Style: Infographic
Video Length: 00:01:15
Browsers Supported: Supports the most recently available version of Safari, Firefox, Chrome and Microsoft Edge.