Get the Most Out of Your Rx - Tips Everyone Should Know

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Easy ways for your employees and their dependents to save money on prescription drugs.

The savings benefits of using generic drugs when possible have been communicated for years, but it's always good to remind employees, particularly those who are new to the working world and health insurance benefits. This video provides important reminders and tips, including:
• Generics are FDA-approved and have the same active medication
• Asking doctors if a generic is available when receiving a new prescription
• The potential for additional savings through mail-order
• The importance of using in-network pharmacies

When and how to use:
This video is particularly important at the start of a plan year and during onboarding of new hires:
• Post on intranet/portal/microsite
• Link in an email
• Play on digital sign boards
• Show during onboarding and enrollment meetings

Add to employees' knowledge by reinforcing more health insurance, wellness and retirement concepts with other videos you'll find on The HR Trove.

Series: Feed Your Brain

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How We Fulfill Your Video Purchase
Current Stock:
Availability: Product fulfilled within 6 hours on business days
Product Type: Video
Media Type: Hosted video
Subscription Length: 1 year subscription from date of setup
Video Style: Infographic
Video Length: 00:01:27
Browsers Supported: Supports the most recently available version of Safari, Firefox, Chrome and Microsoft Edge.