Benchmark Select Compensation Reports

The Benchmark Select Compensation Report provides robust employee compensation data on 250 benchmark positions, including data for more than 60 disciplines or areas of specialization (e.g., accounting, HR, IT development) at ten different career levels (intermediate support, specialist support, intermediate professional, senior professional, specialist professional, supervisor, first-level manager and senior manager). Position-level data include base salary, performance bonuses/short-term incentives and total cash compensation. Results are based on national market data but can be customized with industry and geography adjustments.

The report includes data from the Willis Towers Watson General Industry Compensation Surveys Reports that includes organizations from all sizes, industries and geographies. You can make adjustments to the national compensation data based on the geographic differential data provided in the report.

Benchmark Compensation 150 reports are also available for Canada, China (Shanghai), Mexico, Singapore, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom and the United States. Benchmark Compensation reports are published annually. The next update will be available in January 2018.

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